General Rules
1(a.). Posts should be detailed and precise; players should try to include information about setting and background information in their posts. "One liners" are discouraged, and can be subject to moderation by Management. In combat, a player must specify where and how s/he is attacking, and whether or not the attack is intended to be fatal. Note also, that all attacks must have a reasonable means of countering them, and all counters have to reasonably work. "God Moding" is forbidden, and posts doing so can, and will, be moderated, if not voided, by Management, often at the disadvantage of the offender. Warfare posts require a summary of moves and losses. We ask that you attempt to use good grammar and sentence structure in your posts as well, so that they may be easily read and interpreted. We do recognize not all of us are authors in the making, but if you are joining a text-based role-playing game, it is expected that you have at least some ability in writing.
1(b.). Killing a character against its player's will is discouraged, but permissible if it furthers a plot or should the player willingly put their character in an inescapable position. If a character is killed, the player must accept this; deus ex machina stated after the fact are not allowed. Cloning is currently restricted to agriculture efforts and not allowed in the RP. Force resurrections are allowed, but must be requested; management may approve such an act to occur, but said act must be Role-played and is subject to chance in its success or failure; a Force resurrection will corrupt the person it is performed on and will be completely submerged in the Dark Side with no chance of redemption. In certain instances, however, Force sensitive characters can return in the form of a ghost or spirit, but are limited by canon as to what they can do.
1(c.). Military forces, special abilities (aside from the Force), certain weapons, armor, and tech, and new factions, planets, species, or tech must be requested for Management review, and approval or denial, as well as items sold from one character or organization to another. Exceptions are made for personal ships and weapons, however, a character should be able to realistically afford, acquire, or have access to the items being requested and/or claimed. Requests can not be made in private, and such requests are considered invalid; all valid requests must be made publicly. Only Management and the requesting Member may comment on requests. If an uninvolved Member has an issue with another Member's requests, they are asked, even encouraged, to raise their concerns, albeit in private with Management.
1(d.). In-character events of the chat room and forum are concurrent; what happens in one effects the other, and the same standards and rules apply to both. Members are encouraged to post transcripts of their chat RP's on the forums, and are reminded that plots occurring in the chat room without the knowledge or consent of relevant Members (or Management) will not be recognized as legitimate. Any combat (individual, group, or fleet/army) or situations in which a character has died are required to have a transcript posted on the forum. In fleet/army combat, both sides must be represented by the relevant player character. Management reserves the right, to review chat transcripts and declare an RP invalid, if it is; posting it does not automatically save you.
1(e.). Be respectful to other Members and Management, and do not harass or antagonize a character for OOC reasons; Management will crack down on this if it seems apparent. We ask that you try to keep profanity within the boundaries of Star Wars; should you become graphic, language or otherwise, on the forums, display an explicit content warning, or in the chat, transition to whisper. Refer to the "Forum Rules" for more information on the site's policies, and code of conduct.
1(f.). Characters will not be allowed powers, abilities, or modifications with the effect of making that character invincible, or without a reasonable ability to counter; any such modification is subject to the request process, and any attempt to circumvent this process will result in automatic voiding of the character by management until the modification is requested and approved or the character has been corrected.
1(g.). Upon his/her turn to post on a thread, a Member is allowed 96 hours to response, after which the next Member may choose to "invoke the four day rule," to confirm any actions in the previous post and continue the thread. However, if you provide prior notice that you will be unable to respond within 96 hours, exceptions to this rule will be allowed. Management reserves the right to post or "auto" on a Member's behalf, A.) if the Member is consistently tardy in their responses, and B.) the thread in question is deemed important to a plot or storyline. A Member can not be skipped in a Live RP without the Member's permission or Management approval. If a Member misses their turn the opposing Member, or next Member in line, if applicable, receives their turn.
1(h.). Skyriver is based closely on the Star Wars canon, up to the point of 2,500 BBY, and players are expected not to substantively alter the future of canon. For more information on the Canon, or the timeline among other information, please refer to a Star Wars sourcebook, Wookieepedia, or the Holocron (our independent mini-wikia). At the same rate, we do allow some liberties throughout the RP, due to our setting, but only if these actions can be corrected by RP or Management auto within a reasonable amount of time.
1(i.). Original characters only. The setting has been specifically chosen, in that no canon characters should even be alive during this point in time. Saying you are a descendant of a certain canon character is alright, but should too many descendant of one character enter the game, Management has the right to intervene.
1(j.). You are allowed as many characters as you like, despite activity level of any particular character or yourself. However, we ask that you do not replace currently standing Player Characters, unless they are your own, and respect other player's plots and characters (i.e. Don't join the government or military of Corellia if its leader is already being played, unless you have that player's permission). Also, the same player's two characters should not go out of their way to assist the other or pool assets together without a reasonable, IC reasoning. Those doing so may have such events or actions voided by Management.
1 (k.). Every character must have a profile, and separate account, before considered active and available for RP. While perhaps taxing for those with large amounts of characters, we require this to disallow creating "flash characters" or beating others to a certain position just by making an account. We also ask, and strongly encourage, but do not require, that you have an appropriate avatar for each character. Major NPCs are generally excluded from this, but still asked to have a profile.
1(l.). While parody and other antics are a part of RP at some point, we prefer that this stay in the OOC conversations and at the appropriate times during IC events. Posts that use a character to be deliberately antagonistic towards another player, otherwise ruin the RP, or are a player's attempt at a "Chaos Effect", can, and will, be voided by Management if the other player(s) request it. Members who consistently attempt to so, without any other major contribution to the RP, will be asked to cease. Continued efforts at such posts following a warning will be responded to with swift banning from the RP. While "Chaos Effect" posts can be voided, Management also reserves the right to allow them to occur, and even conduct their own.
1 (m). Aspects of gaming styles known as "powergaming", "griefing", "trolling", "spamming", "twinking" and other negative styles of gameplay that have not been covered by specific rules are strongly discouraged and may result in various punishment up to and including banning.
1(b.). Killing a character against its player's will is discouraged, but permissible if it furthers a plot or should the player willingly put their character in an inescapable position. If a character is killed, the player must accept this; deus ex machina stated after the fact are not allowed. Cloning is currently restricted to agriculture efforts and not allowed in the RP. Force resurrections are allowed, but must be requested; management may approve such an act to occur, but said act must be Role-played and is subject to chance in its success or failure; a Force resurrection will corrupt the person it is performed on and will be completely submerged in the Dark Side with no chance of redemption. In certain instances, however, Force sensitive characters can return in the form of a ghost or spirit, but are limited by canon as to what they can do.
1(c.). Military forces, special abilities (aside from the Force), certain weapons, armor, and tech, and new factions, planets, species, or tech must be requested for Management review, and approval or denial, as well as items sold from one character or organization to another. Exceptions are made for personal ships and weapons, however, a character should be able to realistically afford, acquire, or have access to the items being requested and/or claimed. Requests can not be made in private, and such requests are considered invalid; all valid requests must be made publicly. Only Management and the requesting Member may comment on requests. If an uninvolved Member has an issue with another Member's requests, they are asked, even encouraged, to raise their concerns, albeit in private with Management.
1(d.). In-character events of the chat room and forum are concurrent; what happens in one effects the other, and the same standards and rules apply to both. Members are encouraged to post transcripts of their chat RP's on the forums, and are reminded that plots occurring in the chat room without the knowledge or consent of relevant Members (or Management) will not be recognized as legitimate. Any combat (individual, group, or fleet/army) or situations in which a character has died are required to have a transcript posted on the forum. In fleet/army combat, both sides must be represented by the relevant player character. Management reserves the right, to review chat transcripts and declare an RP invalid, if it is; posting it does not automatically save you.
1(e.). Be respectful to other Members and Management, and do not harass or antagonize a character for OOC reasons; Management will crack down on this if it seems apparent. We ask that you try to keep profanity within the boundaries of Star Wars; should you become graphic, language or otherwise, on the forums, display an explicit content warning, or in the chat, transition to whisper. Refer to the "Forum Rules" for more information on the site's policies, and code of conduct.
1(f.). Characters will not be allowed powers, abilities, or modifications with the effect of making that character invincible, or without a reasonable ability to counter; any such modification is subject to the request process, and any attempt to circumvent this process will result in automatic voiding of the character by management until the modification is requested and approved or the character has been corrected.
1(g.). Upon his/her turn to post on a thread, a Member is allowed 96 hours to response, after which the next Member may choose to "invoke the four day rule," to confirm any actions in the previous post and continue the thread. However, if you provide prior notice that you will be unable to respond within 96 hours, exceptions to this rule will be allowed. Management reserves the right to post or "auto" on a Member's behalf, A.) if the Member is consistently tardy in their responses, and B.) the thread in question is deemed important to a plot or storyline. A Member can not be skipped in a Live RP without the Member's permission or Management approval. If a Member misses their turn the opposing Member, or next Member in line, if applicable, receives their turn.
1(h.). Skyriver is based closely on the Star Wars canon, up to the point of 2,500 BBY, and players are expected not to substantively alter the future of canon. For more information on the Canon, or the timeline among other information, please refer to a Star Wars sourcebook, Wookieepedia, or the Holocron (our independent mini-wikia). At the same rate, we do allow some liberties throughout the RP, due to our setting, but only if these actions can be corrected by RP or Management auto within a reasonable amount of time.
1(i.). Original characters only. The setting has been specifically chosen, in that no canon characters should even be alive during this point in time. Saying you are a descendant of a certain canon character is alright, but should too many descendant of one character enter the game, Management has the right to intervene.
1(j.). You are allowed as many characters as you like, despite activity level of any particular character or yourself. However, we ask that you do not replace currently standing Player Characters, unless they are your own, and respect other player's plots and characters (i.e. Don't join the government or military of Corellia if its leader is already being played, unless you have that player's permission). Also, the same player's two characters should not go out of their way to assist the other or pool assets together without a reasonable, IC reasoning. Those doing so may have such events or actions voided by Management.
1 (k.). Every character must have a profile, and separate account, before considered active and available for RP. While perhaps taxing for those with large amounts of characters, we require this to disallow creating "flash characters" or beating others to a certain position just by making an account. We also ask, and strongly encourage, but do not require, that you have an appropriate avatar for each character. Major NPCs are generally excluded from this, but still asked to have a profile.
1(l.). While parody and other antics are a part of RP at some point, we prefer that this stay in the OOC conversations and at the appropriate times during IC events. Posts that use a character to be deliberately antagonistic towards another player, otherwise ruin the RP, or are a player's attempt at a "Chaos Effect", can, and will, be voided by Management if the other player(s) request it. Members who consistently attempt to so, without any other major contribution to the RP, will be asked to cease. Continued efforts at such posts following a warning will be responded to with swift banning from the RP. While "Chaos Effect" posts can be voided, Management also reserves the right to allow them to occur, and even conduct their own.
1 (m). Aspects of gaming styles known as "powergaming", "griefing", "trolling", "spamming", "twinking" and other negative styles of gameplay that have not been covered by specific rules are strongly discouraged and may result in various punishment up to and including banning.
Fleets, Armies, Battles
2 (a.). Possession of Superweapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction must be requested, and their use is to be limited, and generally not permitted, unless with management approval, and recommended only when necessary to further a plot or storyline, demonstrably.
2 (b.). Military forces should be maintained at a modest, reasonable, and manageable size. The leading factions are the absolute maximum for size, however management will regulate, and allow for expansion as an organization's actions permit. Any expansion, while possible to be RPed out, must ultimately still be requested for approval. Expansions or deals that are RPed have a far more likely chance of approval.
2 (c.). As a rule of thumb, main faction worlds (in other words, ones with a significant population), unless otherwise specified, are assumed to have an unspecified number of NPC defenses and forces in addition to that factions listed forces. Management reserves the right to specify these defenses, and play them if necessary, when these worlds come under attack. Should these worlds come under attack, Management will give the absolute force available to the defender for public viewing and consideration for both sides. Unless receiving reinforcements, that is all that is available on that world and further forces can not be requested.
2 (b.). Military forces should be maintained at a modest, reasonable, and manageable size. The leading factions are the absolute maximum for size, however management will regulate, and allow for expansion as an organization's actions permit. Any expansion, while possible to be RPed out, must ultimately still be requested for approval. Expansions or deals that are RPed have a far more likely chance of approval.
2 (c.). As a rule of thumb, main faction worlds (in other words, ones with a significant population), unless otherwise specified, are assumed to have an unspecified number of NPC defenses and forces in addition to that factions listed forces. Management reserves the right to specify these defenses, and play them if necessary, when these worlds come under attack. Should these worlds come under attack, Management will give the absolute force available to the defender for public viewing and consideration for both sides. Unless receiving reinforcements, that is all that is available on that world and further forces can not be requested.
Force Rules
3 (a.). Players are encouraged to use only those Force powers featured prominently in the films, and certain books and video games. Catastrophic powers are not permitted unless with management approval. See the Holocron for a list of approved Force powers. Management has the right to moderate which powers a character may use.
3 (b.). Force powers follow a pseudo-RPG limitation. While we aren't using a points or dice based system, nor the traditional character sheet of such, Force powers are without rank, but increase in power and potency with the rank, experience, and training of the Force user. It is to be kept in mind, that each being has only so much energy to expend on the Force, varied by connection, experience, class, and rank; if a player is not portraying this properly, Management will moderate this, and likely make it disadvantageous to the violating player.
3 (c.). It is asked that players consult with management before starting out with a Force Sensitive character that is not at the beginning level. At that same rate, for example, one does not have to start out as a Youngling, but at most a Padawan in their mid-teens. Sith accept student at any age, but still have a system of promotion and training.
3 (d.). Each Force User character must have their available Force Powers listed in their profile. Again, we do not necesarrily believe in strict limitations as every character is different from another, but common sense should be used. Management will monitor Force Powers, and if deemed unsuitable, will moderate the Character's Force Powers. The Force Powers listed are the Force Powers available to your character.
3 (b.). Force powers follow a pseudo-RPG limitation. While we aren't using a points or dice based system, nor the traditional character sheet of such, Force powers are without rank, but increase in power and potency with the rank, experience, and training of the Force user. It is to be kept in mind, that each being has only so much energy to expend on the Force, varied by connection, experience, class, and rank; if a player is not portraying this properly, Management will moderate this, and likely make it disadvantageous to the violating player.
3 (c.). It is asked that players consult with management before starting out with a Force Sensitive character that is not at the beginning level. At that same rate, for example, one does not have to start out as a Youngling, but at most a Padawan in their mid-teens. Sith accept student at any age, but still have a system of promotion and training.
3 (d.). Each Force User character must have their available Force Powers listed in their profile. Again, we do not necesarrily believe in strict limitations as every character is different from another, but common sense should be used. Management will monitor Force Powers, and if deemed unsuitable, will moderate the Character's Force Powers. The Force Powers listed are the Force Powers available to your character.
Senate Rules
4 (a.). In order to be represented within the Galactic Senate, a character usually must be a politician or celebrity of a particular world or region, then request in the Senate Rotunda to be admitted as a Senator, Representative, or Ambassador, including information on qualifications and platform. Candidates are approved by a majority, once the questions and reservations of the Senate have been satisfied. The only exception to this is in the case of replacing a removed delegate.
4 (b.). Defining Senate delegates: Senator- A full voting member representing a member world or sector, Representative- Either a member of a Senate delegation that represents an important minority of the constituency which does not vote or a member representing a corporate body that is a member of the Republic which does vote, Ambassador- A non voting member representing an affiliate member of the Republic. They can only speak on issues concerning their constituency, unless requesting permission to speak on other matters.
4 (c.). Players are allowed a maximum of 3 Senator, Representative, or Ambassador characters at any given time, with executive characters not counting.
4 (d.). The Senate may propose the suspension or expulsion of a Senate member, if A.) no longer fulfilling his/her duties, B.) conducting her/himself in a manner unfit for office, or C.) has been convicted of a high crime or felony while in office. The Chancellor may also do so at their own prerogative, without Senate authorization.
4 (e.). The Senate may call for a "Vote of No Confidence" against the Supreme Chancellor if A.) no longer fulfilling his/her duties, B.) conducting her/himself in a manner unfit for office, C.) has been convicted of a high crime or felony while in office, or D.) General public dislike. Should a Vote of No Confidence be called, the Chief Justice will step in as the Acting Supreme Chancellor, and take charge all duties of the office. The Chancellor in question is allowed to defend her/himself, and only a 3/5ths majority will remove the Chancellor from power. Should a vote fail, the Chancellor is allowed to immediately resume office. Should a vote pass, the Vice Chair will take over as Interim Supreme Chancellor, or the Senate may motion for one to be appointed, in which case the Senatorial Council will appoint one. Following the conclusion of these activities, the Interim Supreme Chancellor will set up the Chancery Election.
4 (f.). New bills or resolutions may be proposed by any Senator, Representative, or Ambassador, and must be debated and approved by a majority. The Supreme Chancellor decides when a vote is officially closed, and may also decide to limit or forgo debate (the Vice Chair is however the final authority on this matter). The Supreme Chancellor has the authority to veto acts of the Senate, which the Senate may override with a 2/3rds majority vote. The Supreme Chancellor does not vote, unless it is to break a tie. The Vice Chair may weigh their opinion on the debate, like the Chancellor, but can not vote on any legislation.
4 (g.). Outbursts and heated exchanges should be restrained in the Senate Rotunda. If a Senator, Representative, or Ambassador is deemed out of line, the Vice Chair can issue a formal "Call to Order" against a specific member of the Senate, or the Senate as a whole; with the Supreme Chancellor able to censure the member over the issue. Should a member violate the Call to Order, the Supreme Chancellor may suspend the member for up to five (5) days. While suspended, that delegate cannot participate in Senate discussions or votes. Should a member violate their suspension, they will either undergo a longer suspension at the Chancellor's prerogative or be expelled by the Chancellor without Senate approval.
4 (h.). Speakers on the Senate floor that are not Senators or Representatives must request permission to speak, and must be recognized by the Vice Chair or Supreme Chancellor, except in cases where a member is requesting admission into the Senate.
4 (i.). The Supreme Chancellor has the authority to appoint the Vice Chair, and Chair of the various committees. Each Chairbeing has the authority to appoint the members of their respective committees. Additionally, permanent "Select Committees" and temporary "Action Subcommittees" can be established by majority vote of the Senate.
4 (j.). The election of the Supreme Chancellor, also known as the Chancery Election, occurs should a Chancellor resign, not seek re-election, or be voted out of office. Any voting Senator may choose to run. The Representatives of the Senate hold the Representative Congress at this time, and choose one among them to run in the election. The candidates may or may not choose a running mate for the position of Vice Chair. Should one not be appointed by the victorious candidate, they must choose to either keep the current Vice Chair or appoint one. The Senate may also intervene and put forward its own candidate for Vice Chair. One mandatory debate is required, mediated by the Interim Supreme Chancellor. More debates may occur, but at the candidates' agreement, again mediated by the Interim Supreme Chancellor. Within one month of the former Chancellor's removal, the election will occur, with each candidate being given a chance to give one last speech before a vote is made. During an election, if the current Vice Chair is running for election as Supreme Chancellor, the Senatorial Council will appoint an Interim Supreme Chancellor. The winner is whom carries a majority vote.
4 (b.). Defining Senate delegates: Senator- A full voting member representing a member world or sector, Representative- Either a member of a Senate delegation that represents an important minority of the constituency which does not vote or a member representing a corporate body that is a member of the Republic which does vote, Ambassador- A non voting member representing an affiliate member of the Republic. They can only speak on issues concerning their constituency, unless requesting permission to speak on other matters.
4 (c.). Players are allowed a maximum of 3 Senator, Representative, or Ambassador characters at any given time, with executive characters not counting.
4 (d.). The Senate may propose the suspension or expulsion of a Senate member, if A.) no longer fulfilling his/her duties, B.) conducting her/himself in a manner unfit for office, or C.) has been convicted of a high crime or felony while in office. The Chancellor may also do so at their own prerogative, without Senate authorization.
4 (e.). The Senate may call for a "Vote of No Confidence" against the Supreme Chancellor if A.) no longer fulfilling his/her duties, B.) conducting her/himself in a manner unfit for office, C.) has been convicted of a high crime or felony while in office, or D.) General public dislike. Should a Vote of No Confidence be called, the Chief Justice will step in as the Acting Supreme Chancellor, and take charge all duties of the office. The Chancellor in question is allowed to defend her/himself, and only a 3/5ths majority will remove the Chancellor from power. Should a vote fail, the Chancellor is allowed to immediately resume office. Should a vote pass, the Vice Chair will take over as Interim Supreme Chancellor, or the Senate may motion for one to be appointed, in which case the Senatorial Council will appoint one. Following the conclusion of these activities, the Interim Supreme Chancellor will set up the Chancery Election.
4 (f.). New bills or resolutions may be proposed by any Senator, Representative, or Ambassador, and must be debated and approved by a majority. The Supreme Chancellor decides when a vote is officially closed, and may also decide to limit or forgo debate (the Vice Chair is however the final authority on this matter). The Supreme Chancellor has the authority to veto acts of the Senate, which the Senate may override with a 2/3rds majority vote. The Supreme Chancellor does not vote, unless it is to break a tie. The Vice Chair may weigh their opinion on the debate, like the Chancellor, but can not vote on any legislation.
4 (g.). Outbursts and heated exchanges should be restrained in the Senate Rotunda. If a Senator, Representative, or Ambassador is deemed out of line, the Vice Chair can issue a formal "Call to Order" against a specific member of the Senate, or the Senate as a whole; with the Supreme Chancellor able to censure the member over the issue. Should a member violate the Call to Order, the Supreme Chancellor may suspend the member for up to five (5) days. While suspended, that delegate cannot participate in Senate discussions or votes. Should a member violate their suspension, they will either undergo a longer suspension at the Chancellor's prerogative or be expelled by the Chancellor without Senate approval.
4 (h.). Speakers on the Senate floor that are not Senators or Representatives must request permission to speak, and must be recognized by the Vice Chair or Supreme Chancellor, except in cases where a member is requesting admission into the Senate.
4 (i.). The Supreme Chancellor has the authority to appoint the Vice Chair, and Chair of the various committees. Each Chairbeing has the authority to appoint the members of their respective committees. Additionally, permanent "Select Committees" and temporary "Action Subcommittees" can be established by majority vote of the Senate.
4 (j.). The election of the Supreme Chancellor, also known as the Chancery Election, occurs should a Chancellor resign, not seek re-election, or be voted out of office. Any voting Senator may choose to run. The Representatives of the Senate hold the Representative Congress at this time, and choose one among them to run in the election. The candidates may or may not choose a running mate for the position of Vice Chair. Should one not be appointed by the victorious candidate, they must choose to either keep the current Vice Chair or appoint one. The Senate may also intervene and put forward its own candidate for Vice Chair. One mandatory debate is required, mediated by the Interim Supreme Chancellor. More debates may occur, but at the candidates' agreement, again mediated by the Interim Supreme Chancellor. Within one month of the former Chancellor's removal, the election will occur, with each candidate being given a chance to give one last speech before a vote is made. During an election, if the current Vice Chair is running for election as Supreme Chancellor, the Senatorial Council will appoint an Interim Supreme Chancellor. The winner is whom carries a majority vote.
Management Rules
5 (a.). It is the duty of the Moderators and Administrators to ensure fair treatment of all Members, accuracy within the RP, and to enforce the rules equally, and accordingly. Management should be respectful to all Members at all times, and should be versed in the rules of the site, the precedents of previous decisions, and Star Wars information, technology, history, and other subject matter. Moderators and Administrators are also expected to be in contact with the rest of management, and to seek consensus in their rulings. At the same rate, a Management word is not law, the rules are law, and should a Member feel they are being treated unfairly, are free to approach Management regarding the matter.
5 (b.). When commenting on a player's request, a Moderator or Administrator should provide thoughtful and respectful feedback to the player, and explain the reasoning of his or her decisions, citing specific rules or canon events and information as necessary. In dealing with requests, Moderators or Administrators should also allow the Member to defend their request, and help find alternatives should an agreement not be reachable. Management should also review character profiles (specifically history, weapons, and abilities), and help the Member make corrections as necessary. Management must be vigilant of the forums and the chat for profanity or harassment, and make it clear that such actions will no be tolerated. Management has the authority to decide NPC "public opinion", in character, and will do so when necessary.
5 (c.). Moderators or Administrators demonstrating a consistent bias in favor of themselves, or in favor of or against specific players, will be removed from management with or without prior notice, as well as those that ignore established rules, both Member and Management; abuse of power will not be tolerated.
5 (b.). Moderator or Administrator, civility and maturity are demanded, and required, in dealing with Members. Should it be in a dispute to simple OOC interaction, any member of Management is to be held to a higher standard, and outbursts or unreasonable actions will NOT be tolerated.
5 (b.). When commenting on a player's request, a Moderator or Administrator should provide thoughtful and respectful feedback to the player, and explain the reasoning of his or her decisions, citing specific rules or canon events and information as necessary. In dealing with requests, Moderators or Administrators should also allow the Member to defend their request, and help find alternatives should an agreement not be reachable. Management should also review character profiles (specifically history, weapons, and abilities), and help the Member make corrections as necessary. Management must be vigilant of the forums and the chat for profanity or harassment, and make it clear that such actions will no be tolerated. Management has the authority to decide NPC "public opinion", in character, and will do so when necessary.
5 (c.). Moderators or Administrators demonstrating a consistent bias in favor of themselves, or in favor of or against specific players, will be removed from management with or without prior notice, as well as those that ignore established rules, both Member and Management; abuse of power will not be tolerated.
5 (b.). Moderator or Administrator, civility and maturity are demanded, and required, in dealing with Members. Should it be in a dispute to simple OOC interaction, any member of Management is to be held to a higher standard, and outbursts or unreasonable actions will NOT be tolerated.